Are You Happy Now?

Over the last few days while out and about on my summer cavort, I’ve been asked by some folks who still think of me as someone avidly if not rigorously interested in municipal politics what I think of the election of Olivia Chow as mayor of Toronto. Am I happy with the turn of events? Is she as socialist scary as some of her opponents said? How she’s going to fare, do you think? Continue reading

Neglect As Official Policy

It started with an old man forgetting his wallet.

The old man being me, the wallet being mine, and a Monday morning crosstown appointment to get the snow tires changed.

A twenty-two minute estimated journey, clocking in at roughly 25. So far. So good. No complaints about that. A bustling metropolis & etc. It isn’t an outing I take very often. So, no matter. Continue reading

An Allegory or Analogy? Which One Needs A Turnip In It?

Municipalities in this country, or at least in the province of Ontario (I am ignorant of the particulars for cities outside these borders), are like adolescents caught in the middle of an unhealthy parental relationship. Mom and dad – their union began that far back – are essentially separated, and have been for some time now. Things would get just too messy for an outright divorce. Instead, they go along to get along as best they can, sometimes fractious, sometimes amicable-ish, situation dependent, co-dependent, it can feel like. Continue reading